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Selected BOOKS


And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps, edited by John Tateishi, Random House, New York, copyright 1984. One chapter on Min Yasui. 


The Impossible Dream: How Japanese Americans Obtained Redress, by Mitchell T. Maki, Henry H.L. Kitano, and S. Megan Bethold, University of Illinois Press, Chicago, IL. Some references to Min Yasui's role in the redress movement.


The Japanese American Cases: The Rule of Law in Time of War, by Roger Daniels, University Press of Kansas, copyright 2013. Yasui, Hirabayashi and Korematsu. 


Justice at War: The Story of the Japanese-American Internment Cases, by Peter Irons, University of California Press, copyright 1983. Yasui, Hirabayashi and Korematsu. 


Personal Justice Denied: the report of the Commission on Wartime Internment and Relocation. First printed by the Government Printing Office in two volumes in 1982 and 1983. Reprinted by the University of Washington Press, 1997. The definitive federal report that recommended redress legislation.


Race, Rights and Reparation: Law and the Japanese American Internment, by Eric Yamamoto, Margaret Chon, Carol L. Izumi, Jerry Kang, Frank H. Wu, published by Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, copyright 2013. Yasui, Hirabayashi and Korematsu and other less well-known cases. 


Stubborn Twig: Three Generations in the Life of a Japanese American Family, by Lauren Kessler, Oregon State University Press, copyright 2005. About the Masuo and Shidzuyo Yasui family. 

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